(John 18:12-27)…In my devotions this morning I was post with this question; “have we ever denied Christ before others by the way we live?”. The context of this question is connected to Peter’s denial of Christ. As followers of Christ I think we can easily say; “well I’d never do that!”; but that question got me really looking at my own life. I don’t think I can honestly say that I have lived my life so far and never acted in a way that really denies Christ. Even as outrageous as it might seem, I’m reminded of Survivor: Fiji and the season finally where Boo confronts Dreamz about his dishonesty to Yau Man and being a Christian. I don’t know how much truth there is in Boo and Dreamz being Christians, however, if Dreamz was claiming Christ than Boo hit the nose on the head.
If we’re going to claim to be follower of Christ, in any way, then we need to love like it. We are of course going to fail at times, but if we can realize our failure and seek forgiveness from God and those we may have wronged, then we will have grace and ourselves restored as followers. This is very similar to what happen to Peter later on after Christ rose and met up with the Disciples on the shore. Christ gave Peter and opportunity to be redeemed. I desire to ask myself every day, how am I going to stand as a Christ follower and not deny Him?