Faith in Uncertainty – 2006.05.07
Today’s Topic: Faith in Uncertainty The Sin of Fear and Worry Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV) God’s Perfect Timing Proverbs 16:3-9 (NIV) Teaching Us Patience Peace Through God’s Promises Shownotes: HTML or OPML
Today’s Topic: Faith in Uncertainty The Sin of Fear and Worry Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV) God’s Perfect Timing Proverbs 16:3-9 (NIV) Teaching Us Patience Peace Through God’s Promises Shownotes: HTML or OPML
Well, I didn’t get a new podcast up today, however I’m hoping to get one together for May 8th. As of right now my evening looks fairly free, but you never can tell. I’m hoping that I haven’t lost to many listeners in my podcast hiatus.
Today’s Topic: Character & Accountability Sources: March Manness (Bethel Church – Fargo, ND) Life Shapes Character Battle Fighting for Families Hurting Our Witness Authentic Living (Character in the Real World) Accountability Life Shapes: Learning Circle, Triangle, Square Life Shapes that Intertwine Shownotes: HTML or OPML
Today’s Topic: What is Faith? It’s Personal It’s Changing It’s Authentic Promos RevTim Podcast Shownotes: HTML or OPML